Les Rose, a widely renowned artist and educator led the storied music program at Dos Pueblos High School from 2001-2016 inspiring numerous young musicians as he continued pursing his own work as a jazz artist and composer. His body of work includes Broadway shows, Hollywood sound tracks, and 2 albums under his own name - “Jump Swing Boogie” and “Jazz Takes” -  He currently directs the jazz club at Santa Ynez HS as he continues to mentor young musicians.

Woody Demarco, Brendan Statom, Pablo Perez, and Rex Harte have been mainstays on the local jazz scene for years both as jazz performers, composers, and educators. Together, their signature presentation Jazz Explorations brings a unique perspective to the creative process of jazz.

Both original compositions and those of the great jazz masters are presented with background information and insights designed to fully engage the audience.  Jazz masters such as Sonny Rollins, John Coltrane, Thelonious Monk, Charlie Parker, Bill Evans, and Dave Brubeck were celebrated at three concerts at St. Marks-In-The Valley in the fall of 2022.

Keep a watch out as we add
more talent to our roster!

If you, or someone you know, is a jazz and/or blues artist looking for an opportunity to collaborate and be featured, please reach out to us.
We're always on the lookout for talented voices and fresh sounds in the jazz and blues world. We value the richness and diversity of this musical legacy and are eager to support emerging as well as established talents. Connect with us and be a part of VJB's ever-growing musical family.